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Founded in 1999, VHT is the leading full service provider of Visual Marketing Services specially designed for the Real Estate Industry. VHT combines world-class client service with extensive capabilities and state-of-the-art technology to produce the finest Visual Marketing Services available. Through this combination, VHT's Visual Marketing programs have proven to cut tens of thousands of dollars in advertising expenses, increase leads by over 100%, and vastly improve productivity for our clients.

VHT is proud to serve over 75,000 Real Estate Professionals nationwide with stunning photography, video property tours, visual marketing tools, high-end multi-media presentations, and expansive distribution services.

VHT's Professional Photographers
Training  •  Resources  •  Experience  •  Techniques
VHT Studios
VHT's Professional Image Specialists Review and VHT Photography Optimization
By definition, optimization is the procedure or procedures used to make a system or design as effective or functional as possible. At VHT this procedure means editing by a professional Image Specialist in VHT Studios™, and correcting for on-sight challenges with lighting. Each photograph is taken through a 12-point quality control checklist adjusting for color, balance, sharpness, brightness, contrast, RGB levels, hue, saturation, shadows, reflections, lens flares, and composition. All of VHT’s images are optimized by VHT Studios™.
Every Photograph
VHT's Exceptional Client Services & Account Management Teams
Consistent 98% Client Satisfaction Ratings
VHT's Variety of Services Including Image Management & Media Distribution
Greater Return on Your Investment
VHT's Guarantee
VHT is the Only Company in the Industry with the Experience, Expertise and Confidence to Completely Guarantee Your Satisfaction